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The Challenges of Preventing Elder Abuse in West Virginia

Published on Nov 3, 2017 at 12:00 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

When you send your loved one to a nursing home, you want them to have a life where they’ll receive good care that promotes a better well-being. Good homes have attentive and skilled staff, a clean environment, and plenty of activities to keep your loved one engaged mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Sometimes, a nursing home isn’t the place it’s supposed to be. When nursing homes are understaffed, there might not be enough people to care for your loved one. This can lead to abuse because your loved one might try to do something without assistance.

There are more insidious forms of elder abuse, too. People can physically or mentally abuse seniors or steal from them.

If you ever discover a loved one is dealing with nursing home abuse in West Virginia, DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC might be able to help. Our lawyers understand how scary and difficult this situation can be. We’re ready to fight for your loved one’s rights and show that this kind of treatment is unacceptable.

How Does Nursing Home Abuse Occur?

Nursing home abuse is more common than you’d think.

A nursing home might not have the best meals that lead to malnutrition, or they might not have enough people to keep the home clean on a regular basis. Fall risk and other injuries increase because the staff can’t get to every senior.

Administrators could be completely unaware of a staff member handling seniors too roughly or harming them in any way. There are also issues with residents abusing other residents.

How Do You Prevent Nursing Home Abuse?

You can help keep your loved one safe. Your vigilance and care will give them a person who could recognize that they’re not in a healthy environment.

  • Stay Alert. Look for suspicious changes in your loved one. Malnutrition and weakness, dehydration, unexplained injuries, or change in personality could signal that your loved one is being abused.
  • Research Your Nursing Home. Look up how your nursing home compares to others on Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare. You can see other nursing homes in your area and the reviews of your loved one’s home. Speak to other families who have had a loved one in the home for a while. You can even chat with staff to get an impression of the people in charge.
  • Visit Often. Visiting frequently will give you a good idea of what the nursing home is like on a regular basis. If you see messes that the home takes a long time to clean up or anything that seems off to you, then you might want to consider that this nursing home might not be the best place for your loved one.

Do You Need a Charleston Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

Has your loved one been a victim of nursing home abuse? While this time is difficult, you don’t have to go through it alone. The lawyers at DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC are compassionate and dedicated people with experience in nursing home abuse cases and we know that your loved one deserves better.

Don’t wait another day. Contact us now and we can discuss your options.