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Do You Need a Tetanus Shot After a Dog Bite? 

Published on Jan 21, 2025 at 5:37 pm in Dog Bite.

Do You Need a Tetanus Shot After a Dog Bite? 

Getting bitten by a dog can be traumatic. Alongside the emotional damage, you need to take care of your physical injuries. Since dogs have bacteria in their mouths, you might need to take steps to attend to the wound.

There is always the worry about infections, especially tetanus. So, how do you know if you need a tetanus shot after a dog bite? Here is what you need to do to protect your health.

10 Reasons to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet

Published on Jan 21, 2025 at 5:31 pm in Motorcycle Accidents.

Riding a motorcycle offers a special freedom, excitement, and a sense of adventure that’s unmatched by other forms of transportation. However, it still comes with some risks that require responsible safety measures to avoid a motorcycle accident. Wearing a motorcycle helmet has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to protect yourself while enjoying the open road.

Here are 10 reasons to wear a motorcycle helmet and why this vital piece of gear should be a non-negotiable part of your ride.

1. Protect Your Brain

Your brain is your most valuable organ, and a helmet serves as your first line of defense. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are common in motorcycle crashes, especially in accidents with larger vehicles like cars and trucks, and even a minor impact can cause significant damage.

Helmets absorb and distribute the force of a collision, reducing the likelihood of severe brain trauma.

Without this protection, the consequences can be devastating.

2. Reduce the Risk of Fatalities

Statistics consistently show that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of death in motorcycle accidents.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), helmets are approximately 37% effective in preventing fatalities for riders and 41% effective for passengers.

Those few seconds it takes to strap on a helmet could make the difference between life and death.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Published on Jan 14, 2025 at 4:38 pm in Truck Accidents.

Who can be held liable for a truck accident?

You were recently involved in a collision with a tractor-trailer in Charleston, WV and suffered serious injuries that are likely to change the trajectory of your life, or a close family member died from their involvement in a trucking crash in Kanawha County. You have significant losses, and you’re wondering who can be held liable for a truck accident like yours or your family member’s.

Liability is often a difficult issue to sort out after any motor vehicle collision, but when an 18-wheeler or another truck is involved, it can be even more so. Let us explain.

Do Stores Have To Put Out Wet Floor Signs?

Published on Oct 8, 2024 at 3:01 pm in Premises Liability.

Do stores have to put out wet floor signs?

If there is a spill or wet floor, you expect to see those yellow signs pop up in the store or business. But are they required by law? Many times, these establishments want to notify their customers and employees of a potential risk. If they fail to do so, it can be an issue of premises liability.

Do stores have to put out wet floor signs? The lawyers at DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC have an answer for you.

Examining the Execution of Marcellus Williams

Published on Sep 30, 2024 at 2:51 pm in Opinions.

Examining the Execution of Marcellus Williams

Below we’d like to share Attorney Tim DiPiero‘s thoughts on the recent execution of Marcellus Williams and the legal ramifications of the act:

“It is hard to believe that the State of Missouri with the approval of the United States Supreme Court actually executed Marcellus Williams. This execution occurred not only over the objection of the victim’s family but also over that of the prosecuting attorney’s office which prosecuted Williams. Executing Marcellus Williams under these circumstances is beyond outrageous!

What Should You Do If You Start to Hydroplane While Driving?

Published on Sep 10, 2024 at 3:41 pm in Car Accidents.

The moment it starts to rain, road conditions change, and the risk of getting into a collision with other cars increases. Data compiled by the Federal Highway Administration finds there are around 1,235,000 weather-related crashes each year. Along with severe weather like snow, fog, and crosswinds, you can face hydroplaning challenges. What should you do if you start to hydroplane while driving?

What Are the Seven National Patient Safety Goals?

Published on Sep 3, 2024 at 3:24 pm in Medical Malpractice.

We put our trust in a medical professional to diagnose and treat any ailment or injury. However, just because we trust a doctor and their staff doesn’t make them infallible. A study from Johns Hopkins University found that 250,000 patients die annually from medical errors. That number surpasses the deaths attributed to respiratory illnesses. Those statistics are the reasons for the establishment of the seven national patient safety goals.

Every hospital must undergo a stringent accreditation process. The Joint Commission is the organization charged with making those assessments, and it has vetted over 22,000 health care organizations nationwide. State governments recognize that accreditation is a condition for practitioners to receive Medicaid and Medicare payments.

As part of their overview process, the Joint Commission established the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) to improve patient health care. Along with a panel of safety experts, the Patient Safety Advisory Group (PSAG), the Joint Commission established seven goals that doctors and patients should put into practice. All of the safety recommendations are designed to reduce the risk of injury due to instances of medical malpractice.

Can You Use Hands-Free Devices While Driving in West Virginia?

Published on Aug 20, 2024 at 3:44 pm in Car Accidents.

Close your eyes and count to five. That might seem like a short time, but that is how long it might take you to type and send a text. If you’re driving at 55 mph, those five seconds would be equal to driving the length of a football field, and a lot of destruction can happen in that time. That is why West Virginia is one of 48 other states that have some form of texting-while-driving laws. As a responsible driver, you need to know if you can use hands-free devices while driving in West Virginia.

What Are the Most Common Types of Driving Distractions?

Published on Aug 6, 2024 at 3:15 pm in Car Accidents.

A devasting car accident can happen in the blink of an eye. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,308 car fatalities were attributed to distracted driving in 2022. Unlike collisions caused by weather conditions, distracted driving incidents are entirely preventable. When you understand the most common types of driving distractions, you can take proactive measures to keep them from happening while driving.

Here are the most cited distractions a motorist encounters while driving: