The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them
Do you remember the first time you got behind the driver’s seat of a car? Were you in driver’s education class with an instructor, or were you getting lessons from one of your parents? You probably drove very slowly and were extremely cautious. Ironically, the more time we spend behind the wheel, the more we take the process for granted, which can lead to becoming less cautious.
A survey conducted by insurance companies found that the average driver will file a collision claim once every 17 years. In West Virginia, the U.S. Department of Transportation found that in 2024, 779 motorists were involved in non-fatal crashes. That averages out to around 2 accidents every day.
The most effective way to avoid a car accident is to never drive in a car, but that is not practical. What can work is understanding the common causes of car accidents and being proactive with your driving habits to help avoid them.