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How to Overcome the Guilt of Causing a Car Accident

Published on Aug 26, 2020 at 2:29 pm in Car Accidents.

Person with back toward wall with head bent forward

Car accidents are traumatic events. When one happens, it generally takes some time for those involved to realize what has happened. Vehicular damage and physical injuries are a real possibility—the latter of which should be attended to immediately. But, what about the emotional injuries? How does a person go about overcoming the guilt of causing a car accident?

The emotional stress of causing a car accident, even if you were only partially at fault, can take a significant toll on a person’s everyday life. Let’s take a look at the concept of guilt after an accident, trauma reactions, and what steps you can take to overcome guilt.

Steps to Take When Appealing an Insurance Decision After a Collision

Published on Aug 6, 2020 at 1:26 pm in Car Accidents.

Person writing notes

As a responsible driver, you have auto insurance that, at the very least, meets the state minimum requirements. You may also have additional coverage or policies for specific situations. In the event you’re in a crash, you expect that coverage, or the coverage of the other driver, to take care of your expenses. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.

When you file an auto insurance claim, an adjuster is assigned to your case. They will investigate what happened and ultimately decide what, if anything, you’re owed. In the event your claim is denied, it’s important to understand your legal rights and options. Let’s take a look at why claims get denied and what steps to take when appealing an insurance decision after a wreck.

How Often Do Car Accident Settlements Exceed Insurance Policy Limits?

Published on Jul 2, 2020 at 1:36 pm in Car Accidents.

Person holding pen and paper to other person

Drivers want to feel safe. When you’re out on the road, you drive carefully in an attempt to prevent an accident and keep yourself safe. Unfortunately, accidents still happen sometimes, even if you’ve done everything in your power to avoid a collision. When that happens, you want to be covered with insurance so that you don’t have to worry about the financial effects of being treated for injuries or repairing property damage.

But what happens when your insurance company tries to give you less than you deserve, or your damages add up to more than your policy allows? A Charleston car accident lawyer from DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC can answer your questions and help you get the settlement you deserve for your injury costs and damages.

Car Accident Statistics That May Surprise You

Published on May 8, 2020 at 8:43 am in Car Accidents.

Red car on road

Car accident statistics typically revolve around safety and topics like distracted driving or accidents involving teenage drivers. However, there are some other kinds of statistics that you may have not seen before. You may wonder if there’s a certain color of car that tends to be stopped on the road more often than other vehicle colors. Certain types of cars may be more likely to get tickets than others. Let’s go over car accident statistics that aren’t as well known.

How to Find Out About a Car Accident

Published on Apr 9, 2020 at 2:45 pm in Car Accidents.

Phone displaying GPS mounted on dashboard

As a driver, you know that accidents occur regularly on West Virginia’s roads. There are situations where you’ll benefit from knowing where a crash has happened and who has been injured. Fortunately, there are resources on how to find out about a car accident.

What Are the Fees for Using a Smartphone While Driving in West Virginia?

Published on Mar 19, 2020 at 12:16 pm in Car Accidents.

Person texting and driving

When drivers are behind the wheel, they need to have their full attention on the task at hand: driving safely. Remaining in control of their vehicle, traveling at a safe speed, keeping a safe distance from other vehicles, and anticipating the mistakes other drivers could make are all mental and physical efforts a driver has to make to reduce the chances of an accident. Smartphones are a major distraction to drivers and prevent them from making these efforts. Because of the devastating car accidents a distracted driver can cause, West Virginia has laws that are meant to prevent drivers from using their phones.

Obtaining Your Medical Records in West Virginia After a Car Accident

Published on Feb 20, 2020 at 2:28 pm in Car Accidents.

People going over documents

Immediately following an automobile crash, it’s imperative to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Not only will this ensure you receive necessary medical attention, but you’ll be maximizing your chances of recovering completely in addition to building the evidence your personal injury claim will need later.

While obtaining your medical records in West Virginia after a car accident isn’t particularly challenging, it’s important to understand your legal rights, how the process works, and how your records could be used in the event you file a car accident claim to seek compensation for your losses. Let’s start by taking a look at the laws pertaining to medical records in West Virginia.

Tips for Prioritizing Safety When Driving Long Distances at Night

Published on Nov 15, 2019 at 7:28 pm in Car Accidents.

Most people don’t prefer to drive in the dark, especially for long distances, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. When that’s the case, it’s best to take as many precautions as possible since it can be a dangerous time to drive. Road fatalities triple during the night, according to research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

In West Virginia, you’re not only at risk of hitting an animal, but you might also come across a drunk driver. That same research from NHTSA presents that drunk driving is the leading cause of fatalities in nighttime crashes in West Virginia, but speeding doesn’t follow too far behind. On top of that, the National Sleep Foundation ran a study where 3% of drivers admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel.

How Do You Know When You’re Too Tired to Drive?

Published on Oct 31, 2019 at 10:46 am in Car Accidents.

Closeup of two hands on steering wheel

In 2015, a 20-year old woman had just finished an overnight shift at a clothing store and was driving home when her drowsiness took over. She had only slept 3 of the last 36 hours, which caused her to crash into another car, killing the other driver. The 20-year old received up to two years in prison, and her license was suspended for three years.

She knew she shouldn’t have been driving because she was exhausted, and her actions had severe consequences. This accident shows that driving while tired is just as dangerous as drunk driving because your reaction time is delayed, and you have trouble focusing on what you’re doing.

Each year, there are about 37,000 car crashes caused by drowsy driving that result in injury, and just under 1,000 that are fatal, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The NHTSA goes on to say that most drowsy driving crashes occur between midnight and 6 in the morning, and usually are single vehicle crashes with just a driver. So how do you know when you’re too tired to drive?

How is Liability Determined in Accidents with Company Vehicles?

Published on Oct 2, 2019 at 12:16 pm in Car Accidents.

Close up of scuffed white car

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, your next move may be thinking about suing the other party for negligence. However, if the person was driving a company car, you may also have the option of suing the employer. Because car accident cases like this can quickly become complex, it’s important to have an experienced lawyer at your side. The attorneys from DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC will do everything possible to get you the compensation you deserve.

We’ll find out the facts of your case through careful investigation. If we believe you have a valid claim against the employer, then we’ll work as diligently as possible to build your case.

While whether or not you can sue the employer can be tricky to find out, our lawyers will look into the details of your case and explain your options to you. Before learning more about how we can help, let’s look at some situations where the employer may or may not be held liable for an accident.