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Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Published on Jan 14, 2025 at 4:38 pm in Truck Accidents.

Who can be held liable for a truck accident?

You were recently involved in a collision with a tractor-trailer in Charleston, WV and suffered serious injuries that are likely to change the trajectory of your life, or a close family member died from their involvement in a trucking crash in Kanawha County. You have significant losses, and you’re wondering who can be held liable for a truck accident like yours or your family member’s.

Liability is often a difficult issue to sort out after any motor vehicle collision, but when an 18-wheeler or another truck is involved, it can be even more so. Let us explain.

What Information To Collect After a Truck Accident

Published on Jun 18, 2024 at 3:41 pm in Truck Accidents.

What information to collect after a truck accident

You were involved in a trucking accident here in Charleston or elsewhere in West Virginia. As someone who may have been in a crash before, you may think you know the basics of what to do after one, including calling 911 to make a police report, seeking medical attention, taking pictures, and writing down information about witnesses and the other motorists involved. While those same steps apply in trucking accident cases, there are other things you need to do.

How Much Sleep Do Truck Drivers Need–and How Much Do They Get?

Published on Apr 16, 2024 at 3:46 pm in Truck Accidents.

Truck driving is a demanding profession that often requires long hours on the road, leading to questions about how much sleep truck drivers need to stay alert and safe.

Lack of quality sleep can lead drivers to distracted driving, speeding, and failure to follow traffic rules or Hours of Service regulations.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the recommended amount of sleep for truck drivers, factors that may impact their sleep quality, and strategies for improving rest while on the road.

How Do Truck Tires Cause Accidents?

Published on Dec 6, 2023 at 7:56 pm in Truck Accidents.

How Do Truck Tires Cause Accidents
When you’re driving, you expect to encounter distracted or impatient drivers and people driving too fast or too slow, but you rarely expect to see tire pieces coming at you down the road or a large truck suddenly swerving sporadically because of a tire failure. Unfortunately, tire failure happens due to a number of reasons, and the results can be quite damaging.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 622 total motor vehicle fatalities in 2021 due to tire-related issues. In a 2012 Crash Causation Survey, the NHTSA found that 9% of tire-related accidents occurred with tires that already had problems before the crash.

Why Are Overloaded Trucks So Dangerous?

Published on Jan 6, 2022 at 4:52 pm in Truck Accidents.

semi truck on road

No motorist wants to get in the way of a tractor-trailer truck. They’re much bigger than anything that most people will ever drive. Consequently, a collision with a tractor-trailer truck can cause a lot of damage. Typically, drivers of tractor-trailer trucks are the safest drivers on the road. A lot of hard work goes into becoming certified to drive a tractor-trailer truck, and the majority of companies make their drivers take drug tests.

How Does a Truck’s Underride Function During an Accident?

Published on Dec 3, 2021 at 10:28 am in Truck Accidents.

Truck guard next to guide rail

Truck underride accidents occur when a small vehicle crashes into the back or sides of the cargo area of a large truck, typically an 18-wheeler. Underride accidents remain one of the most dangerous types of collisions you can possibly have. According to the latest data from the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, an organization that collects data on automobile accidents, 3,436 deaths were linked to underride accidents in 2019.