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for West Virginia
Injury Victims


How to Safely Ride a Bike on the Road in Charleston, WV

Published on Oct 28, 2021 at 1:42 pm in Bicycle Accidents.

Bicycle symbol on ground

One of the unanticipated cultural side effects of COVID-19 was a phenomenon that has been referred to as a “bike boom.” The city of Charleston has long been a favorite with bicyclists both local and tourist. And the rise in biking for transportations over the past two years has increased the number of bikes on our roads. But an increase in the number of bikes has brought with it a rising number of bicycle accidents. More than ever, it’s important to know how to ride a bike safely.

How Are Hospitals Ranked?

Published on Oct 22, 2021 at 12:24 pm in Medical Malpractice.

Laptop showing graph and chart

We need good systems of accountability for our hospitals and medical care facilities. In a country in which medical mistakes rank among the top three causes of death each year, we more than ever need ever-improving methods for identifying and fixing weaknesses in our state and national medical systems. Ranking and scoring hospitals on quality of care is one way to help hold medical institutions accountable. Although a shining report card does not eliminate the possibility of medical malpractice, it is an effective way to encourage responsibility, and a way for current and future patients to learn about a facility’s history of patient care.

What Does Loss of Consortium Include?

Published on Oct 14, 2021 at 4:53 pm in Wrongful Death.

What Does Loss of Consortium Include
There is a general public misconception that loss of consortium in a personal injury claim always refers to a relationship between spouses, and usually one of a sexual nature. But loss of consortium is a much wider term. So what does “loss of consortium” include? Loss of consortium covers several types of social and emotional benefits, and, in addition to relationships between spouses, can also include relationships between close family members, such as between parent and child. In short, loss of consortium is when someone is deprived of the vital benefits of a family relationship.

Let’s look more closely at the meaning of this term and how it applies to personal injury cases—in most situations, wrongful death cases.

Tips to Help a Friend Recovering from a Car Accident

Published on Oct 7, 2021 at 4:36 pm in Car Accidents.

Tips to Help a Friend Recovering from a Car Accident
Roughly 5 to 6 million people are involved in car accidents in the U.S. each year. Think about it—that number is higher than the number of people who are born (less than 4 million), die (less than 3 million), get married (2 million), or earn a bachelor’s degree (less than 2 million) in the United States each year. And the number of car accident cases continues to climb. Chances are, someone close to you will be involved in a car crash at some point in your lifetime.

How do you comfort someone after a car accident? What do you say to someone recovering from an injury? Being present, being willing, and being a good listener is a good place to start. It’s not always easy to know how to be the best friend you can be to someone who was hurt in a car accident. Remember—there is no one-size-fits-all solution, no one right thing to do or say that makes every recovering car accident victim feel better. But understanding your friend better than most people do, you know what will be the most benefit to them as they recover from an accident. We’ll discuss tips in the following article that can help you prepare ways to support your friend.

What Are the Signs of Workplace Complaint Retaliation?

Published on Sep 9, 2021 at 2:44 pm in Employment Law.

Woman on laptop with head in hands

In your workplace, you should feel safe and respected at all times. When that doesn’t happen and you’re discriminated against or face harassment in your workplace, you file a complaint with your Human Resources department. Even though they’re supposed to be there to help you, and complaints are intended for you to see change and justice, the opposite might happen.

Can a Passenger Be Held Liable for a Car Accident?

Published on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:13 pm in Car Accidents.

Driver and passenger in car

Car accidents can be caused by many different individual factors on their own, or multiple of those factors combined. When you’re a victim of an auto collision, you might think that the other driver is solely responsible for what happened, but they might not be the only one at fault, or they might not be at fault at all.

How Long Will Your Personal Injury Case Take?

Published on Aug 26, 2021 at 8:33 am in Personal Injury.

Desk with iPad calendar and notebook and keyboard

After being injured by another negligent party, you might be interested in filing a legal claim to hold them responsible for the damage they’ve caused you. But if you’ve never done that before, you might be hesitant because you don’t know how to go about it or don’t know how long it will take.

What Does and Doesn’t Constitute as Medical Malpractice?

Published on Aug 13, 2021 at 9:05 am in Medical Malpractice.

Stethoscope and pen on a form

When you’re ill or injured and go to the hospital or get seen by a doctor, you expect what’s ailing you to get better. If your health declines and you think that your doctor or another medical professional was the one who caused it to worsen, then you might have a medical malpractice claim on your hands. However, you might be unsure if it constitutes as med mal.

What Motorcyclists Need To Know About Road Rash

Published on Aug 6, 2021 at 7:51 am in Motorcycle Accidents.

Motorcyclists on the road

When you’re riding your motorcycle, you want to focus on how open and free you feel with the wind whipping around you. You probably try not to think about the negative things that could happen, like getting into a collision. Even though you want to focus on the positives and have a good time, it’s important to consider what could happen if things go wrong.

How Can an Insurance Company Try to Reduce Your Compensation for Your Claim?

Published on Jul 23, 2021 at 6:01 pm in Car Accidents.

How Can an Insurance Company Try to Reduce Your Compensation for Your Claim

After an accident where you suffered injuries and damages, you likely will want to file a claim with your insurance company to get coverage for your costs. If someone else was at fault, you’ll use their insurance policy to cover the bills for the damages that you suffered. You might think that this will be straightforward, and they’ll give you exactly what you’re owed, but that might not be the case.

More often than not, insurance companies will fight to protect their bottom lines, which means shorting you in the compensation that you should receive. Let’s take a look at the ways insurance companies will try to reduce your compensation for your claim.