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Injury Victims


Privacy Rights You Need to Know as a Plaintiff in a Personal Injury Case

Published on Jul 3, 2019 at 4:24 pm in Personal Injury.

A personal injury lawsuit is just that—personal. As the victim, otherwise known as the plaintiff, you might be asked to present a lot of personal information when your attorney is putting together your claim. That could include W-2s, pay stubs, tax returns, insurance policies, benefits, medical records, driver’s license number, or even your social security number. But is all that really necessary? Let’s discuss what information is essential when filing a personal injury lawsuit and what you need to know regarding your privacy rights and options.

The Most Common Examples of Workplace Discrimination

Published on May 15, 2019 at 3:21 pm in Employment Law.

Because of the definition of discrimination in the workplace, which revolves around an employee or prospective employee receiving subpar treatment based on their protected characteristics, there’s often the thought that it only applies to hiring and firing practices. This is not the case. When an employer, supervisor, or co-worker treats an employee unfairly because of their age, skin color, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or disability, they are committing an act of discrimination.

Being discriminated against in the workplace can make for a miserable experience. Employers need to understand that they have a legal obligation to treat all employees fairly. If that legal requirement is not met, they can be held liable for their actions or the actions of their other employees. You may be wondering if the mistreatment you’ve experienced is discrimination. We’ll go over how to know you’ve suffered from discrimination, common examples, and the effects.

Tips for Reducing Stress After You’ve Been Involved in an Auto Collision

Published on Apr 17, 2019 at 10:21 am in Car Accidents.

When an unexpecting driver is in a serious collision, the first matter to deal with is their physical injuries. While emergency medical services will ensure they get the care and treatment they need, there are other matters that will need to be addressed. Many people don’t realize the emotional toll a car accident can take. Crash victims often have a hard time readjusting to life after the crash, especially if they sustained serious injuries or the crash resulted in the death of a loved one.

If you find yourself dealing with the ramifications of an auto accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s important to understand how to reduce your stress. This will allow you to focus on what matters and move forward.

Is it Possible to Sue the Government?

Published on Apr 5, 2019 at 10:41 am in Legal Information.

If you were injured in a car accident involving a police officer, were discriminated against by a government employee, slipped and fell in a post office, or were involved in any similar incident involving an injury or harm that was caused by carelessness or negligence on behalf of an official government agency, group, or employee, you might be wondering about your rights and how you can get the help you need to recover. While suing the government is possible, the process can be difficult.

You can take legal action against a city, town, county, or state government. The federal government can also be held responsible for negligence. There are, however, rigid steps to follow and deadlines to meet in order to avoid having your case thrown out. While any personal injury claim is bound to be complicated, going up against a government entity can make the case even more complex. You’ll need a strong legal team by your side to achieve the outcome you’re looking for.

Noticing the First Symptoms of a Prescription Opioid Addiction

Published on Mar 13, 2019 at 11:26 am in Opioid Litigation.

Prescription opioids are often prescribed because they are effective for relieving moderate to severe levels of pain. When taken as directed, the medication can manage pain for a short amount of time. When long-term use is needed, patients need to be screened and monitored to ensure a physical dependency doesn’t develop – as that can lead to opioid addiction.

When patients who have developed a physical dependency stop talking prescription opioids, they can go through withdrawal, which includes symptoms like restlessness, insomnia, muscles and bone pain, cold flashes, vomiting, and diarrhea. When taken improperly, like in large doses or with alcohol, an overdose can occur and result in death.

What Are the Most Common Defective Medical Devices in 2019?

Published on Mar 6, 2019 at 12:42 pm in Product Liability.

Many people depend on medical devices to help make their lives easier. But when those devices fail, they can cause serious injuries. When this happens, the person may need to undergo more treatment or surgeries to fix the problem. After that’s done, they may have medical expenses and other costs that they are now responsible for.

In order to prevent injuries or complications due to a defective medical device, it can help to know which devices have a history of being defective, are under a current recall, or are being investigated by the federal government. Here are some of the most common defective medical devices in 2019 as well as some information about product recalls that may help keep you and your family informed:

What Happens When Someone Hits Your Parked Car?

Published on Feb 27, 2019 at 11:34 am in Car Accidents.

Returning to your car only to realize its been hit can be a frustrating and stressful situation. Tens of thousands of crashes occur in parking lots and garage structures every year. While a number of those collisions result in injuries and fatalities, a significantly higher number result in property damage to a parked car whose driver is not present. It’s common for claims to spike around the holidays because more people are out and about shopping; however, your parked car could be hit anywhere.

Filing a claim for an accident for which you weren’t present for can be confusing, which is why our attorneys are here to ensure you receive the compensation you need to repair your vehicle and continue on with your everyday tasks.

Signs That Your Medical Condition May Have Been Misdiagnosed

Published on Feb 6, 2019 at 11:13 am in Medical Malpractice.

We trust our doctors to listen to our symptoms and figure out what’s wrong. From there, we follow their recommended treatment and can then start to heal and feel better. But sometimes, they may get the diagnosis wrong. Your real issue is left untreated. This can harm your health and wellbeing. If you’ve been through this experience, you may have legal options. First, let’s go over some signs and red flags of a misdiagnosis that was caused by negligence:

Burn Injuries: How Safe Is Your House or Apartment?

Published on Jan 31, 2019 at 11:33 am in Personal Injury.

Fires are often unexpected and can cause severe injuries. If you don’t have fire safety measures implemented, this could risk getting injured from the fire. How safe is your house or apartment in case of a major fire? Here are some ways you can check to see how prepared your home is and how you can make it better protected in case of a disaster you may not anticipate:

5 Tips for Getting Your Car Repaired After an Accident

Published on Jan 23, 2019 at 10:24 am in Car Accidents.

Our vehicles get us where we need to go. When you lose access to your vehicle because of an accident, it can be difficult to determine how best to proceed. You may be wondering how you’ll pay for the repairs, whether or not the car is fixable, and what you’ll do until you have your car back.

If you’re in a situation where you’re waiting to get your vehicle repaired after a collision or need to start the process, there are a few ways you can expedite the process and make the waiting game a little easier on yourself and your family. Here are 5 tips to help you through the process of repairing your car: